A Dramatic Dog Rescue Of Man Jogging on Beach in San Francisco

San Francisco is a fantastic city for jogging, no matter what month of the year. For this reason, one sunny January, one resident of San Francisco decided to go jogging along the coast. But suddenly, while running, he heard an unusual sound along the path.
Image source: Pixaby OleksandrPidvalnyi
He wanted to continue running, but that sound intrigued him so much that he had to stop and check where the sound was coming from among the stones along the path. A few minutes after searching, he saw a small dog’s head peeking from the rocks.
After noticing that it was a small and helpless dog, he had no choice but to call the local animal center, San Francisco Animal Care & Control, and report that he had found the lost and over-aged dog. At the same time, the center staff called their colleague Carlos Ortega to go to the field and see what exactly it was about.
Image source: Animal Care & Control San Francisco
Like an actual fireman, Ortega jumped out of his chair and quickly rushed with the equipment to the shore to solve the emergency. The problem was that the tide was getting bigger and bigger, and there was a real danger that those stones would become flooded, so the dog’s life was in danger.
Unfortunately, the jogger who found the unfortunate dog could not stay with him until Ortega arrived, but that’s why he sent the center’s employees the exact location and a picture of the stone where the dog was so that Ortega could find it more easily. Through that right location, the reception center employees could find where the dog was located.
Ortega had problems finding a puppy because he searched among many stones quite similar to the one he got from a photo sent to him by a jogger. The search dragged on a bit and was taking longer than he first expected.
For this reason, he had to call several of his colleagues for help because there was less and less time. And just when he picked up the phone to call his colleagues, he suddenly noticed a scared dog shaking and staring at him.
Image source: Animal Care & Control San Francisco
It was not easy to remove the stones and free the passage, but in the end, he pushed the stone away on top and freed the dog, her name was Gwen as he will find it out later one. The dog was shaking at first, but after Ortega took it in his arms, it calmed down and stopped shaking. Afterward he became dog’s friend and gained his trust. Ortega took him in his arms and checked that he might not be injured. Ortega was so happy about the final departure that right after rescuing the puppy, he decided to take a selfie as a memory.
Image source: Animal Care & Control San Francisco
After the newly formed friendship, Ortega took her to his vehicle to scan her microchip and see who the owner was. After scanning, the owners were soon found. When Ortega called the owners, they told him that the dog got lost in the morning and that they had been looking for him for hours. Eventually, Ortega took Gwen home to her family.
Image source: Pixaby TheOtherKev
When Gwen saw her family, she ran to hug them all, full of joy. This moment of rescue and the experience that Ortega had will remain with him for his entire life.