In a heartwarming act of kindness, hospital workers felt moved when they found four faithful dogs waiting patiently outside the emergency room after taking care of...
In a touching story of strength and hope, a stray dog discovered roaming the streets with a box on his head for almost a year has...
A brave rescuer team took on a risky mission to save a stranded dog stuck inside a tight 40-foot bear cave. Despite the danger, they didn’t...
Not long ago, Ariel Heath saw four small kittens hanging out near her place, drinking water as if they belonged there. She looked around, but couldn’t...
In May, Little Wanderers NYC, a group that rescues animals in New York City, got a call for help about a cat named Narnia. He’d been...
Meet Shrek, a friendly cat who ended up in a group of wild cats but had a tough time dealing with mean cats picking on him...
Who says dogs don’t like cats? People always think that dogs and cats are ‘natural’ enemies and the story below will prove us wrong. This story...
A local shelter dog named Bowie has finally found his forever home after waiting more than 1250 days in foster care. The 6-year-old pit bull was...
Meet Ruffles and Fritos. These adorable schnauzer-terrier hybrid puppies are part of the colorful “variety pack” their mom is raising. They are connected and have the...
A little puppy cannot survive on her own when she first enters the world. She is dependent on her mother to care for and feed her....
Sеvеrаl pоtеntiаl аdоptеrs turnеd dоwn thе pit bull nаmеd Apоllо fоr mоrе thаn а yеаr bеfоrе а nеw аnd unusuаl fоrеvеr hоmе mаtеriаlizеd аnd bеgаn prоviding...
Shе wаs upsеt whеn hеr fаmily lеft this аging dоg nаmеd Lаdy аt а shеltеr in Kаnsаs, USA, in 2014. Lаdy wаs sеnt bаck tо thе...
San Francisco is a fantastic city for jogging, no matter what month of the year. For this reason, one sunny January, one resident of San Francisco...
She was too little for such a horrible injury, and we knew if she didn’t respond to antibiotics, she wouldn’t stand a chance. When Animal Aid...